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Punta de Teno

Punta de Teno, the westernmost point of the island of Tenerife, is surrounded by large marine cliffs within the Protected Natural Area of Teno Rural Park. it is a natural space that hosts a great biological diversity, being a refuge for some endangered and local endemism. 

It is an ideal place to enjoy with caution its coastal line, its covers and puddles. The plain presides over its imposing lighthouse that is kept in good condition. From where you can see the the best views of Los Gigantes cliff, fascinating structures that descend cutting vertiginously towards the sea from heights that reach 600 meters. You will also enjoy a dream sunset with unbeatable views of the island of La Gomera. 

To enjoy this natural area even more, at the end of this page you will find two audio guides (one for the round trip and one for the return) in several languages, which you can download on your mobile device and which gives you detalied information and very interesting of your journey. We recommend your hear them during your journey of access by bus.

The weather in Punta de Teno
How to access

Punta de Teno can only be reach by bus from Buenavista del Norte

in an easy journey of only 15 minutes.

Audio guides for the journey
Punta Teno - Trayecto de ida
Punta de Teno - Trayecto de vuelta

Teno Point

Buenavista del Norterth

Tenerife. Canary Islands


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Tourist Intermediary I-0004605.1 

Complaint forms are available at the following address: Calle El Perdón nº 15. Please call +34 922 127 938_cc781905-5cde-bb3b3194 beforehand -136bad5cf58d_for the delivery of the sheets.

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